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Publications: Publications


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Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on post-stroke fatigue

De Doncker et al, 2021 - Journal of Neurology

Neurobiology of Pathological Fatigue: New Models, New Questions

Kuppuswamy, 2020 - The Neuroscientist

Influence of post-stroke fatigue on reaction times and corticospinal excitability during movement preparation

De Doncker et al, 2020 - Clinical Neurophysiology

Exploring the relationship between effort perception and post-stroke fatigue
Inter-hemispheric inhibition in stroke survivors is related to fatigue and cortical excitability 
Fatigue, effort perception and central activation failure in chronic stroke survivors: a TMS and fMRI investigation
Mechanisms of post-stroke fatigue

De Doncker et al, 2020 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry

The fatigue conundrum
Prior physical exertion modulates allocentry distance perception: a demonstration of task-irrelevant cross-modal transfer

Clark et al, 2016 - Experimental Brain Research

A model of poststroke fatigue based on sensrimotor deficits

Kuppuswamy et al, 2015 - Current Opinion in Neurology

Limb heaviness: a perceptual phenomenon associated with post-stroke fatigue?

Kuppuswamy et al, 2015 - Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair

Post-stroke fatigue: a problem of altered corticomotor control?

Kuppuswamy et al, 2015 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry

Post-stroke fatigue: a deficit in corticomotor excitability?

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