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Research projects: Welcome

Research and Covid-19

Outlined below are some of the measures that have been put in place to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission

1. Pre-Screening

Prior to visiting the lab, the participant's current state of health, including any symptoms of COVID-19 is assessed. 


On arrival, participant's have their temperature taken before entering the building.

4. Hygiene

Participants and the Research Team wash their hands with soap and water on arrival and when leaving the lab.


We can no longer provide refreshments, except water. 

2. Transport

Participants are offered taxi service to and from the study. 


Taxis are booked from private hire firms with the highest cleaning regime including use of screen partitions. 

5. Sanitation

The lab and equipment are thoroughly cleaned before and after use with antibacterial wash.

3. PPE

Participants are given a surgical mask on arrival and instructed to wear it for the duration of the study.


The Research Team also wear PPE throughout the study. This includes a mask, gown, goggles, and gloves.

Research projects: List

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